Top 5 Truth Behind the Myths of Blockchain

Blockchain And Bitcoins are like a Kith and kin to have an easy understand.

Since the invention of the internet, Blockchain has been the biggest technology that has slow adoption in the industry.

But, as a new technology Blockchain, required some time to adapt and evolve to society’s current economic ecosystems and revenue models.

Fortunately, now blockchain has become the heart of bitcoin and to various cryptocurrencies. The Contracts, Transactions and the records are the defining structure of blockchain and also to our economic, legal and political systems.

Blockchain an open, distributed ledger that can store records of the transaction between two parties in a secures manner and having its high beneficiary in various industries also.

Significance Apart, the way people take and think about the myths of blockchain has to change in this 21 st century.

1. Blockchain is also a Cryptocurrency like Bitcoin

Actually, the Blockchain is to Bitcoin as that of the Internet is to Google. Am I making any sense?

Yes, Blockchain and Bitcoin is two different technology but linked together, here bitcoin is a type of
cryptocurrency with that we can trade and exchange and the purpose of blockchain is to facilitate the distribution of digital information in a decentralized platform with high security.

Fact: Bitcoin with the capital letter B refers to Bitcoin Ledger, whereas

bitcoin with Small letter b refers a currency or a unit of account on Bitcoin Ledger

2. There is a Single Blockchain

Don’t take Blockchain as a Sun Instead take it as a Solar system that is every planet has its own path like that every cryptocurrency has its own Blockchain, Am I clear?

Blockchain is a technology that could be sheared up by a common denominator called crypto. There are both Public and Private versions of blockchain which also has a consensus mechanism.

Different Types Of Blockchain:

1. Ethereum Blockchain
2. Waves Blockchain
3. TRON Blockchain
4. EOS Blockchain and more
3. Can Become Richer with Blockchain

Though Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency it is more of a commodity. You can buy and sell anything with an exchange of cryptocurrency like bitcoin. Cryptocurrency is like a Roller Coaster where you can experience both ups and down to the extream based on its demand.

As It is a highly valuable substance like gold and diamond hence we can easily make a count on it.
Fact: The Bitcoin Production limit is 21 million and its value will be set when the number is reached.

4. No Chance to Hack Blockchain

The biggest myth among the industry is blockchain is impossible to hack. With Blockchain the codes will be embedded in Digital code and stored in a shared database that protects the data from deletion, tampering, and modification.

Though Blockchain is a very powerful technology, it is not completely immune to attacks. Because there are so many different types of blockchain in the market and all those are still in the earlier stages.

5. Blockchain is not relevant to the industry

If you are an industry person who never finds a way to dip your toes into the blockchain, then you will be the person who would suffer the most. As its purpose is to create a decentralized public ledger of transactions, blockchain promises to solve various industrial problems.

As you all think, Blockchain is not only meant to Cryptocurrency industry, it has its wide scope of application in the following industries also.

1. Supply Chain— Blockchain Development
2. Banking — Blockchain Development
3. Healthcare— Blockchain Development
4. Insurance— Blockchain Development
5. Aerospace — Blockchain Development
6. Government — Blockchain Development
7. CyberSecurity — Blockchain Development
8. Agriculture — Blockchain Development
9. Travel and Tourism — Blockchain Development
10. Education — Blockchain Development


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